Useful tips for your CV

Since the start of Membership Recruitment I receive many questions from young professionals who need help with writing a decent CV. What is important, what should you pay attention to? Below I describe a few more useful tips:

  1. If you have not yet graduated and are looking for an internship. Always tell what competencies you want to develop. That way your internship supervisors will know better how to help you.

  2. You have little work experience, but there are more things important than just work experience. What are your hobbies, have you done volunteer work or do you have a role in the club besides your sport? Tell about it in your CV, this can make all the difference.

  3. Whatever your level of education, you often work in project groups during your studies. What was the assignment, how was the cooperation with other students and what was the result? Explain this.

  4. If you write a cover letter, make sure the content of your CV and your LinkedIn page match. This will help you position yourself.

  5. Network. The options are endless, but what do you really want? Talk to a recruiter, often they have advice, or they know a nice job that suits your needs.

If you want more help, read this article and click through.


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