Reduce Sick Leave

“Did you know that there is up to 20% less sick leave in organizations with plants in the office?”

This is according to research by both Wageningen University and the scientific company Phytagoras, which specializes in plant research and a number of institutions and companies.

1.6 fewer sick days

Plants in the workplace amounts to an average of 1.6 fewer sick days per employee per year, according to the research, which was conducted at several companies and healthcare institutions.

At each company, the scientists compared rooms that contained plants with rooms that did not contain plants. The researchers placed sensors in both rooms to determine the physical differences in the indoor climate.

Employees who participated in the study came up with the following responses.

Temperature more pleasant

Humidity in rooms with plants was found to be about 5 percent higher on average than in rooms without plants. The temperature was also found to be much more pleasant: employees were less likely to experience the temperature in an office space with plants as too hot or too cold.

Furthermore, employees' moods were found to be more positive after planting, and employees at one company worried less about work outside working hours.


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