5 useful tips for your CV

You know the feeling... You have a LinkedIn profile, but employers keep asking for your CV. Some use creative tools by getting extra exposure, others do not. Which CV is the most successful and what should you look for? Here are 5 helpful tips!

  1. Use a good photo. Don't use a vacation photo and make sure the background is calm.

  2. Leave a personal message under your personal details. Who are you, what are you looking for in a new job, what kind of work environment is important to you.

  3. Avoid calendar months. By avoiding calendar months in your CV, your CV will look more appealing.

  4. Different positions for the same employer. You grow as a professional and you make different steps internally. This is of course great! As professionals, we tend to list as many positions as possible, but this makes your CV unnecessarily long. Choose the most recent position with responsibilities and list the previous positions in a paragraph.

  5. Side jobs. Side jobs besides your studies still make a difference during the application process. Try to keep it concise.

Do you need help with your CV, or would you like some feedback? Send your questions to: CV@membershiprecruitment.com


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