How HR Assesses Your CV

In a previous article, we provided 5 tips on how to make a good CV. To highlight what HR Officers look for we have the following 5 tips for you!

  1. With each employer, briefly explain what kind of organization it is. Is it a distributor, retailer, or vendor? What is their focus, who are the customers?

  2. Short term employment is killing you, except of course if you worked on a project basis!

  3. Gaps. There may be gaps in your resume. To an HR Officer, this can be an instant Red Flag. You may have done volunteer work, or even traveled, be transparent about it.

  4. Portfolio, Github or website. Is the position you are applying for creative, or do you want to work as an engineer. Show employers what you do in your spare time.

  5. Make your social media accounts private. Employers are always curious about what they can find about you. Of course vacation photos and parties are fun, but this does not always work in your favor when you aspire to a new position.


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5 useful tips for your CV