“You deal the cards”

As a professional, you have many challenges. Whether in your private life or in your career. You are busy in your daily routine! You are hired to build new components, develop new apps, or work with the latest technologies. But in the end it turns out that you are just fixing bugs…

Whether it's customers who constantly make different demands, or you have a manager who doesn't support you enough, doesn’t give you enough freedom, doesn't let you develop enough, or worse, doesn't express any appreciation. The thing is, projects can be done anywhere. That's why professionals never leave bad jobs, but bad management. Are you in such a situation? No worries, here are some tips!

1. Believe in yourself, be aware that experts are hard to find. There are jobs everywhere. Not only in your area, but also elsewhere. Don't think in problems, think in solutions!

2. Before you raise it with your employer, start looking around. Ask around among your friends, talk about it at a birthday party and browse around various job boards. This will not only give you a better idea of the vacancies, but also of the indication of the salary.

3. Ask yourself what kind of industry you want to work in. Is it a vendor, is it a distributor, a retailer or an end customer? That's how you narrow your scope.

4. Make a list of organizations where your values match those of the organization. You can use Excel for this, or Notion. I have created an easy overview for you. If you need help with this, feel free to contact Membership Recruitment.

5. Make sure you are in control at all times. This means you deal the cards, so make sure you have options. Because if the limit is reached for you or an opportunity suddenly presents itself, you have a strong negotiating position that you didn't have before.

Take it to the next step!

Don't you currently have a resume, or need help creating one? No problem. Membership Recruitment is committed to helping professionals the best they can. That's why we have some tips here for you to read through.

Would you like more advice that is personally tailored to your situation? Send your resume to CV@membershiprecruitment.com and let us know when it is convenient for you to talk. Did you know that we also work on Saturdays? We do this so you do not have to make excuses in your daily routine and can remain discreet about a possible next step in your career!



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