Why vacancies don’t work

Have you ever noticed? You're consuming great content on LinkedIn and you see one job posting after another coming up? As an organization, it's always nice when you see a job opening being posted. You are growing, which is good news and a great feeling! But why is it really that job postings don't help you get the right candidates? Below is an overview from practice.

1. You are the best employer of the world!
As an employer, you are often tempted to say that what your organization does is unique. Nowhere else do they have such good benefits as you do. Balance is what is central to your organization, "work & play hard"! While the reader is quick to say, "I'd say that too if I were you!"

2. LinkedIn job postings.
Job posts on LinkedIn are often sponsored. You pay for the traffic that clicks on your job posting. Knowledge migrants often apply for jobs within the EU. Usually SME’s can’t hire professionals who don’t have the EU citizenship. But because you are not an IND referral, you’re also paying unnecessary fees.

3. Nine out of ten.
The candidates who apply are often not the candidates you are looking for as an organization. In fact, practice shows that 9 out of 10 candidates do not match your job posting.

4. Channels are unclear.
"Hello, employer branding!" For some organizations, it is still unclear on which platforms their employees are active. On top of that.. You preach being loyal to employees and customers, but Google Reviews tells the world something else.

5. Sharing is caring!
Do you ever notice, when a vacancy is posted by a recruiter in your network. It is often only liked by a fellow recruiter from the same recruitment agency. "Sharing is caring." Well, only digitally then!

Within Membership Recruitment, of course, we are also using the vacancy page. Although this page is used differently. When our candidates are invited for an interview, we send the vacancy along, so our candidate is never surprised. Would you like to know more about how Membership Recruitment can make the difference for your organization? Call us. We are open from Monday until Saturday.


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