What Are Your Goals?

Everyone has goals, don’t they?

Perhaps this year you strive for personal development within a small company, or you’d like to work in a more diverse company to work with different nationalities and learn about new cultures.

It all starts with questioning what you want to achieve!

There are many ways to develop yourself, by new competencies for example. More and more companies nowadays work competency oriented, did you know that?

Anyway, discuss these during the yearly appraisal interviews for example. Do you know your employer is obligated to give you a personal budget for personal development?

Let your manager know, so he or she can guide you to achieve your goals.

Besides the appraisal interviews, there are platforms to follow courses. Some are free, some are not. By the way, if you follow a free language course on Duolingo, you don’t put that on your CV. Duolingo is not a language!

The most know platforms to follow courses are Udemy and Google Grow. While you pursue your goals, inform others about it.

As a start, inform Martijn Melis, so he can guide you along your professional career. Are you ready for a new opportunity already? Check out our current job offerings.

